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Isabelle Laville, 17: Kidnapped on her way home from school on December 11, 1987 in Auxerre, central France. Fourniret confessed to raping and killing her, then led investigators a well in northeastern France where her bones and clothing were buried. Olivier [...]
Fabienne Leroy, 20: Kidnapped from a supermarket car park in Chalons-en-Champagne, east of Paris, on July 8, 1988. Her body was discovered outside a military base the next day after she was killed by a shotgun wound to the chest. Fourniret has confessed to [...]
Jeanne-Marie Desramault, 22: The law student was kidnapped outside the railway station in Charleville-Mezieres on March 18, 1989. Fourniret took investigators to her body in the grounds of a chateau he once owned in Donchery in July 2004. He confessed to her [...]
Elisabeth Brichet, 12: Kidnapped on her way home from a friend's house in Namur, Belgium, on December 20, 1989. Her remains were also found in July, 2004 at Fourniret's chateau. He confessed to the murder but denied rape, while Olivier is charged with complicity [...]
Natacha Danais, 13: Kidnapped, assaulted, stabbed to death near Nantes, western France on November 21, 1990. Three days later her body was found on a beach. Fourniret confessed to murder and attempted rape, while Olivier is charged as an accomplice.
Celine Saison, 18: Disappeared after taking an exam in Charleville-Mezieres on May 16, 2000. Two months later her body was found in a wood in Belgium. Fourniret confessed to kidnapping, raping and murdering her.
Manaya Thumphong, 13: Disappeared from Sedan, northeast France, on May 5, 2001. Her remains were found the following year in the Nollevaux forest in Belgium. Fourniret admitted kidnap and murder but denied rape.
Di Joanna Parrish (forse l'ottava vittima del Serial Killer) non si sa praticamente nulla. La sua morte è avvolta nel mistero ma gli inquirenti tendono ad attribuire l’ex carpentiere Michel Fourniret la violenza carnale e il successivo omicidio [...]
The opinion
cannibalismo in russi [...]
in maniera inquietante, il cannibalismo sta diventando [...]

arrestato un cannibale [...]
19 febbraio 2004 - la polizia londinese ha arrestato [...]

che cos’è il satanismo [...]
le sette sataniche sembrerebbero un residuo del pensiero [...]

il wwf alla fiaccolata [...]
wwf e gli amici dell’orso bernardo promuovono [...]

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