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Susan Denise Atkins was born on May 7, 1948 in San Gabriel, California, to a lower middle-class family. Her father was a construction worker and her mother took various odd jobs (such as doing surveys over the telephone) to help support Susan and her two brothers [...]
Patricia Krenwinkel separated herself from Manson fairly quickly once in prison. Of the entire group, she seems the most remorseful about her participation in the murders. In an interview conducted by Diane Sawyer in 1994, Krenwinkel told her, "I wake [...]
Linda Drouin was born on June 21, 1949 in Biddeford, Maine. Her parents divorced and remarried when Linda was still young. At the age of 16, Drouin dropped out of high school and got married, and soon after, divorced. Linda married again, this time to a hippie [...]
Donald Shea (soprannominato "Shorty"), dopo un'assidua militanza, fu barbaramente assassinato dai componenti della setta stessa perchè "colpevole" di aver abbandonato l'organizzazione e di aver sposato una donna nera. Venne brutalmente [...]
Charles Denton Watson was born in Dallas, Texas on December 2, 1945. His parents settled in Copeville, Texas, a small impoverished town where they worked at the local gas station and spent time at their church. The Watsons believed in the American dream and [...]
Charles Manson raccolse intorno a sé un gruppo di giovani (sia ragazzi che ragazze) affascinati dal suo carisma, dalla sua chitarra e dalla sua capacità di parlare alla gente; presero il nome di "The Family" (la famiglia, o anche "The [...]
ricordiamo ai navigatori, che lo studio celsus non [...]

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