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Carol DaRonch

Carol DaRonch was one of the few who would escape death at the hands of Ted Bundy. She was approached by Bundy in a book store located in a Utah mall. She was shopping when Bundy approached her. At this point she is at medium to low risk for victimization. Portraying lawful authority and using his verbal skills Bundy persuaded DeRonch to accompany him, claiming her car had been burglarized. DeRonch escaped Bundy’s vehicle when she realized they weren’t heading toward the police station. Although he had already handcuffed one of her hands she got away, ran, screaming for help. DeRonch’s situational risk level was low when Bundy approached her; it was daytime, in a public place with other people around. Most likely Bundy targeted her when he saw her, she fit his ideal type, the type of woman he liked to gain power and control over. The dynamics of DeRonch’s risk level changed as soon as she left the book store with Bundy, a stranger. Furthermore, her risk level skyrocketed when she got into his car. Screaming for help while running away discouraged Bundy and her risk level began to decrease again. With handcuffs already on one wrist, she was one of the few lucky that escaped his brutality.

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