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Brenda Ball

Brenda Ball was a compulsive traveler. Little is known about the circumstances of her disappearance. However, if she was big on travel she would have been used to conversing with strangers, helping strangers out along the road that look like their in trouble or getting help from other travelers, maybe even hitching a ride. All of these scenarios would have put Brenda Ball in a position of opportunity for Bundy, position at the high end of the spectrum of victimization.

Cerca nel Sito
Serial Killer
jack lo squartatore
jack lo squartatore (in inglese: jack the ripper)  [...]

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«mio marito è un uomo buono, gentile. [...]

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la strage di novi ligur [...]
e’ il 21 febbraio 2001. a novi ligure, in provincia [...]

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