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L'ambiguo volto del male - Rino Sebastiani

Un oscuro e indecifrabile individuo soprannominato “l’Inquisitore” che adesca le sue vittime all’interno dei night club e il suo antagonista, il detective Edmondo Dantesi. I protagonisti citati, che si riveleranno essere le due facciate di un’unica medaglia, si combatteranno ferocemente fino ad arrivare all’epilogo, molto doloroso, in cui ognuno avrà assimilato parte dell’altro e dovrà fare i conti con le proprie debolezze. Tali personaggi si muovono, e confrontano, all’interno di una storia che trae ispirazione da alcuni fatti realmente accaduti, molti dei quali vissuti direttamente dall’autore, in cui emerge uno spaccato di vita notturna italiana dove dolore e rassegnazione per molte ragazze, la maggior parte provenienti dall’Est Europa, rappresentano la normalità di una vita più rassomigliante a un inferno che alla terra promessa vista attraverso lo schermo di un televisore. Il romanzo non manca di analizzare anche la complessità di sentimenti come l’odio e l’amore, spesso intrecciati tra loro in trame inestricabili, utilizzando un linguaggio diretto, talvolta crudo, che porterà il lettore a intraprendere un’approfondita riflessione sui mali che tormentano la nostra, sempre più cupa e indecifrabile, esistenza.  

Read the foreword

"Shadows that move during the night. Freezing souls that are tragically enveloped the ones in the others. Entities that look for a sense of their lives, never find it. What are we? Where we go? Why all around us, from time immemorial, does the evil roam? What is it looking for, and most of all, why is it persecuting? And then, what does it hide under its perplexing ambiguity? Questions that don't have any answer and perhaps they will never have one. We only exist, this is the one certainty. Our eyes look at the surrounding world waiting for meeting a hidden light in the others' eyes. Sometimes the miracle occurs, but behind this strong energy, some asleep, vast destroying forces are hiding under. Woe to him who underestimates them. Woe to him who uncorks them! These, from time to time, escape from our control, crashing down on the world with such violence that the hurricane, in comparison, is a harmless little wind. The masks behind which we hide, by an obscure alchemy, become transparent and through them we show the horror of our beings. We are wickedness, envy, falsity, hardly ever sympathy, faith, altruism. We have to resign to this fact. To live means to have the courage to explore the darkest and deepest places of ourselves. The completed being is the person who, sacrificing parts of himself, entries without hesitation in the rugged road that leads up to grounding and wisdom. Our story treats quite of this purpose. It deals about people who constantly fight for vicious inner fights. Sometimes they are won, often unfortunately lost. About that, nevertheless, it will still be the bravery of people who had had the strength and the perseverance to look inside themselves."

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