Serial Killer
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Shelly Roberson was 24 years old when she was last seen talking to a man in a pick-up truck at a gas station. It is not known if Bundy was getting directions or if she actually hitched a ride with him. Nevertheless, her consensual initial communication with [...]
Nancy Baird disappeared from a gas station where she worked. Part of her regular routing of working at this sort of establishment is continual contact with customers who are usually strangers. Bundy, no doubt, was just another customer to her. Unfortunately [...]
Regretfully, I have too little information about this victim to have any logical concepts of her positioning on the risk continuum of victimology.
Lisa Levy, Margaret Bowman, Karen Chandler, and Kathy Klein were all students who belonged to the Chi Omega sorority and lived in the Chi Omega house. On January 14, 1978 a housemate found the victim’s battered in their own beds. These women were toward [...]
Lisa Levy, Margaret Bowman, Karen Chandler, and Kathy Klein were all students who belonged to the Chi Omega sorority and lived in the Chi Omega house. On January 14, 1978 a housemate found the victim’s battered in their own beds. These women were toward [...]
Lisa Levy, Margaret Bowman, Karen Chandler, and Kathy Klein were all students who belonged to the Chi Omega sorority and lived in the Chi Omega house. On January 14, 1978 a housemate found the victim’s battered in their own beds. These women were toward [...]
Lisa Levy, Margaret Bowman, Karen Chandler, and Kathy Klein were all students who belonged to the Chi Omega sorority and lived in the Chi Omega house. On January 14, 1978 a housemate found the victim’s battered in their own beds. These women were toward [...]
Cheryl Thomas was attacked on January 14, 1978 in her apartment. She also was in a predicament of a low level of risk for victimization. She was, after all, in her own home in her own bed, sleeping.
Kimberly Ann Leach was a 12 year old girl who was abducted from her school in Lake City Florida. Attending school with students and teachers Bundy took Leach from her school premises. Leach was at a low risk of victimization until Bundy used his deception [...]
On December 6, 1973, a young couple stumbled across the remains of a 15-year-old girl in McKenny Park, Washington. Kathy Devine was last seen by friends on November 25th hitchhiking from Seattle to Oregon, trying to run away from home. Shortly after she began [...]
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arrestato ambulante a [...]
città del messico - un venditore ambulante di [...]

il “cannibale di rotenburg” [...]
il “cannibale di rotenburg” vuole bloccare [...]

che cos’è il satanismo [...]
le sette sataniche sembrerebbero un residuo del pensiero [...]

arrestato un cannibale [...]
19 febbraio 2004 - la polizia londinese ha arrestato [...]

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