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Lynda Healy was missing from her basement bedroom on February 1, 1974. She was abducted without a sound. Healy was in her own home at the time of her attack, which would indicate that she was targeted, a low risk victim. The fact that she was at a low risk [...]
Donna Manson was last seen walking to a concert on the campus of Evergreen College on March 23, 1974. She was in public, waking alone in plain view. Her risk level was medium. Being alone and walking alone at night puts her at a medium to high risk. Bundy [...]
Susan Rancourt disappeared on April 17, 1974. She was last seen on a college campus where she attended school. It is believed that she attempted to help a man load heavy books into his car. The man was wearing a sling. Susan Rancourt would normally be a victim [...]
A student missing since May 6, 1974 was abducted from the campus of Oregon State University. Parks was at low to medium level at risk; she was a student, on campus, who had just left her friends and was heading for the Union Bldg. when she disappeared. However [...]
Brenda Ball was a compulsive traveler. Little is known about the circumstances of her disappearance. However, if she was big on travel she would have been used to conversing with strangers, helping strangers out along the road that look like their in trouble [...]
Georgeann Hawkins was an 18 year old college student at the University of Washington. She was member of a sorority house. On June 11, 1974 she was on her way to her sorority house where she lived from visiting with her boyfriend at this frat house only 90 [...]
Brenda Baker was a 15 year old runaway. She was missing since May 25, 1974. Her decomposed remains were found on June 17, 1974. Unfortunately, the circumstances involved in hitchhiking create interaction between victim and offender that is extremely high. [...]
Janice Ott disappeared on July 14, 1974 from Lake Sammamish. Witnesses heard Ott agree to help a man named “Ted” to load his boat onto his car due to a broken arm. Ott’s innocent willingness to help Bundy, whom she thought was injured [...]
was also at Lake Sammamish the same day as Janice Ott. Around 4:30 her boyfriend saw her go to the bathroom. She was actually seen at the bathroom but she never returned to her boyfriend. Denise Naslund was reported by friends to be the type of girl to help [...]
Nancy Wilcox was a 16 year old cheer leader who disappeared on October 2, 1974. She was last seen riding in a VW similar to Bundy’s. Whatever verbal skills Bundy used to lure Wilcox into his vehicle, she changed from a low risk level to high when she [...]
Melissa Smith was a 17year old girl who vanished from Midvale, Utah on October 18, 1974. She was last seen attempting to hitch a ride. Again, hitchhiking, itself, is an act of high risk behavior for victimization, it gave Bundy easy opportunity to abduct a [...]
Laura Aimee was 17 years old when she was last seen on Halloween. She was found on Thanksgiving by hikers. Aimee was found naked and she had been raped, sodomized and beaten so badly that she was not recognizable. Strangulation was her cause of death. Being [...]
Carol DaRonch was one of the few who would escape death at the hands of Ted Bundy. She was approached by Bundy in a book store located in a Utah mall. She was shopping when Bundy approached her. At this point she is at medium to low risk for victimization [...]
Debbie Kent was reported missing on November 8, 1974. She was close to her family and actually had attended a play with her parents just minutes before her abduction. She left the play of the school auditorium and was on her way to her car when she was abducted [...]
Caryn Campbell was 23 years old and engaged. She was vacationing with her fiancé and her future step children when she vanished on January 12, 1975. Caryn Campbell’s level of risk was low. She was seen going to her room to get a magazine and never [...]
Little is known about the abduction of Cunningham.
Denise Oliverson was on her way to visit her parents when she was abducted on March 15, 1975. Again, my information on this victim is minimal. However, it appears that she was a medium to low risk of victimization. Oliverson was riding her bike and on her [...]
Melanie Cooley, an 18 year old, was reported missing on April 15, 1975. I do not have enough personal information on this victim to assess her victimization level.
Lynette Culver was a 13 year old girl who was taken from her school playground during school hours.
Susan Curtis was a 15 year old who was attending her youth conference on Brigham Young University when she was abducted on June 28, 1975. The trust that generally accompanies religious 15 year old girls and the fact that she was walking alone were most likely [...]
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thailandia, polizia conferma [...]
bangkok. la presenza in thailandia del 32enne christopher [...]

bernardo, l’orso marsicano [...]
questo profilo è decisamente inusuale e non [...]

arrestato un cannibale [...]
19 febbraio 2004 - la polizia londinese ha arrestato [...]

cannibalismo in russi [...]
in maniera inquietante, il cannibalismo sta diventando [...]

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